Scripture Reading - Galatians 5:19-21 LEB (Lexham English Bible)

19 Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are sexual immorality, impurity, licentiousness,
20 idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, factions,
21 envy, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, things which I am telling you in advance, just as I said before, that the ones who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

In one of our previous lessons we touched on the general subject of “Fellowship”. We spoke about how it is important to have “good fellowship” with people but we also emphasized how our “fellowship” with God is the most important discussion of the day. In another message we touched on “Fellowship with Men” where we discussed communing with those people of like passions, principles and purpose. We also looked a little deeper into “Fellowship with God” because our “Fellowship with God” determines just who we are. Last week we taught on the “Fruits of Fellowship” to point out you are the exact fruit you produce. Last week’s lesson spoke of “Rational Fellowship” which points out that God is much more than “human reasoning”. In our last lesson we spoke on “Unfruitful Fellowship” which is spending time around ungodly fruit that produces negative results. In today’s lesson we are discussing “Fleshly Fellowship” in generally. The scripture above gave us several examples of the works (actions, fruits) of the flesh. “Fleshly Fellowship” basically means that you spend a lot of time engaged in at least one of the subjects mentioned in the scriptures of this lesson. Specifically, all those who watch, think, speak and partake of the list above are conducting “fleshly fellowship”. Yes, sexual immorality is a part of “fleshly fellowship” which displeases God. We know in today’s society sexual immorality (adultery, fornication, perversion) is running rampant all over the world. Why, is this? One reason is “fleshly fellowship”! We (ihlcc) will explain by the statement, “When you spend too much time thinking about self-gratifications your body will follow your thoughts!” Yes, all those works (deeds) of the flesh start from within and then they are usually lived out in that person’s life. Typically, their personal sins involved someone else because sin never travels alone. Yes “fleshly fellowship” fanaticizes about involving other people to fulfill their personal desires (or lust) because the flesh is all about self-gratification. Since God put a conscious in all men to act as a compass for life, most people know that fleshly desires (lust) are evil but without God’s power they are powerless against sin. The unrighteous man is still given a warning from God and correction unto righteousness by God when they are in a position of humility to hear. The difference with a Christian is that they are born of God’s spirit so their enlightened born-again spirit will have a stronger influence on their decisions and actions. When I was an unborn-again sinner I faintly knew what was considered wrong and right but I had no moral foundation that told me I was accountable to God. I like many others thought I was accountable to me, myself and I, occasionally I might be accountable to just one other person that was close to me like a parent or spouse. This meant that I was free to do whatever I thought was right for me at that time and if someone else tried to persuade me otherwise I thought they needed to mind their own business. Yes, how convenient it is to be your own judge and jury, or so some think. However when the Lord Jesus came into my heart He gave me the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me into all truth. Thus, countless hours of selfish ambition were slowly and steadily replaced with thinking about what God wants according to His Will, not mine. This always means loving others as God loves you. Thus, you must know all about love and of course you must think more about loving others then you think about pleasing yourself. Yes, many people (Christians included) don’t sin on all the works of flesh but many people do sin in at least one or two of the works of flesh. This is primarily due to the fact that engaging in all sin all the time accelerates death to a short life span but a measure of sin kills people much more slowly so it goes undetected to the carnal man. Yes “fleshly fellowship” feeds dissension and faction which typically causes strife, debate and division outside of God’s Love. The obvious sins of an over indulgence of liquor and alcoholic beverages are established in the roots of “fleshly fellowship”. It is also a fact that anger and bitter hatred (enmity, racism, ill feelings toward another, etc…) stems from “fleshly fellowship”. Yes, dear faith friend, “fleshly fellowship” speaks loudly that you are the very company you keep. This principle specifically applies to the inner counsel you yield to, which is the thoughts, pictures (images) and silent conversations you have with yourself, God and the devil (the sum of all evil). Yes, dear beloved, all three personalities (the flesh, The Lord and the evil one) have voices so make sure that your time spent talking within is well spent talking (and listening) to God by removing all shades of “fleshly fellowship”. Know for certain which voice you are listening to (fellowshipping with) because there are many voices in the world and each voice has signification.-Refer to 1 Corinthians 14:10 The only way to remove “fleshly fellowship” is to choose The New Way of Life in Jesus Christ to be completely pleasing to God in thought, in word and in deed. Amen!